Monday, July 27, 2009

Please Pray for Stellan!!!

Like thousands of other folks, I have been reading MckMama's blog and following sweet Stellan's trials and tribulations for months now. In the womb, he was diagnosed with SVT, which makes his heart beat ridiculously fast, in the 200's, and the doctors told his parents that he wouldn't survive. Then, God worked and he did! He was born with no more heart problems at all until he was 4 months old. He spent 2 months in the hospital and God worked again! Since 6 months, he's been out of the hospital and regulated by medication...he's had a few bouts but he always came out quickly. Now he has been in SVT since Thursday and it doesn't look good. You can read the details on the link above...please pray for this beautiful baby boy!!!


Nancy said...

I'll continue to pray...if you see some updates please let me know, in case I miss them!

Unknown said...

Your blog is adorable! :).. I love blog friends.. so glad I can read yours too!

Sherri Burgan said...

This story broke my heart!, I immediatly said a prayer for little Stellan and will keep him in my prayers. I can feel the frustration and heartache in their words and you want to scream yourself for the doctors to get this sweet baby to Boston and help him!