Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Take Me Out to the Ball Game!

When I first met Kaleb, I learned that he was really into baseball. Like, really. And I am very much not a sporty girl. But because I wanted him to like me ;) I learned everything I could about it!! And whenever we finally got together "for real," we made it a thing to go to an Astros game every year or so. Behold our family's growth through Astros games!

That April 2009 one is when I was 8 months pregnant with Kam, and in the August 2009 one, he is about 4 months old. We skipped last year, so this is the first game that we've taken him to that he could actively participate in. Ella has been going at least since she was 3, and she probably went before that, but I don't have pictures if she did! She remembers everything...she reminded me that at the last one we went to there was an eagle flying around. No clue!!

We got some great photo op time while Kaleb waited to get our tickets!

 Of course, the kids have to get a prize for going to a game. Kamden chose this bat...
 And Ella chose this ball!
 We bought a $6.75 thing of popcorn just so we could get that helmet they're trading off with up there:) Well worth it!!
 The kiddos with Craig Biggio and Carlos Lee! This was after the game. Doesn't it look so real?? Haha!
We all had a GREAT time. I am so glad we got to take them this year. They only got squirmy close to the end, but they stuck it out. And the 'Stros actually won!! Unbelievable!!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Looks like y'all had a GREAT time! I LOVE the pictures!!!